Friday, June 7, 2019

Life's Lessons Part II

  A #fotoflash entry for Donna McNicol's challenge

"Dad, how much farther?"

"Son, the sign said that the waterfall was a half mile down this trail."

"But, Dad, I'm tired of walking."

"Suck it up, Bud. If you are quiet, you'll be able to hear the falls."

"Daaaadddd, how much farther?"

"Shhhh. Do you hear it?"

"Yeah, I do hear something."

"Look, Son. There's the waterfall. Isn't it pretty?"

"It's just a bunch of water falling. I walked all the way here to see THAT?"

"Yes. It's so peaceful in the woods."

"Dad, no it isn't. The water makes noise."

Dad sighs.

"Dad, I have to go to the toilet."

"Can't you wait until we get back to the toilets at the trailhead?"

"No, Dad.  I need to go real bad."

"So, step behind that bush and pee."

"Okay, Dad."


"Son, are you done?"

"No, Dad.  I can't pee if I hear water running. Turn the water off please."